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Resources for Professionals



The NRTC Community Outreach Guide: How to Host an Adapted Sports Outreach Event

The Adapted Sports Outreach Guide highlights the importance of inclusive recreation, offers recommendations on ways to adapt sports and games, and is full of great resources to help you develop your own adapted sports event.

How to Host an Adapted Sports Outreach Event

4to24 App: Portal for Professionals

The 4to24 app is a free resource for parents of children and youth who are blind or have low vision and youth aged 16 or older. It focuses on building independence over time to help young people prepare for successful employment and independent living as an adult. The online portal provides access to the 4to24 app’s information and topic areas. It is for professionals who would like to have the app’s information without being restricted to a specific app account.

To register, you must be a professional working with people who are blind or have low vision, such as a vocational rehabilitation counselor, teacher of students with visual impairments, or orientation and mobility instructor.

To apply for access, please email us at Please provide us with your name, professional position or area of expertise, and professional email address.

Our team will review your information to process your request and notify you promptly.

For more information, visit the 4to24 App: Portal for Professional webpage

Job Retention and Career Advancement Resources

The WIOA stresses the importance of helping people with disabilities retain and advance in their careers. To assist with this endeavor, the NRTC has developed two checklists to assess the need for career advancement or job retention services for employed VR consumers. Because many persons with visual impairments request services while employed, these checklists are ideal for use during intake. However, for those consumers who gain employment later in the VR process, these checklists can help you assess if they have any job retention or advancement needs prior to closure as rehabilitated.

Job Retention Checklist PDF

Job Retention Checklist Document

Career Advancement Checklist PDF

Career Advancement Checklist Document

Last Updated 9/20/2021

The NRTC Community Outreach Guide: How to Host A White Cane Awareness Day Celebration (October 15)

This Community Outreach Guide will introduce you to the history of White Cane Awareness Day, provide inspiration for activities (from a signing ceremony to a large, public event), and offer general event tips to support you as you create a successful celebration. 

How to Host a White Cane Awareness Day Celebration

Last Updated 6/10/2022

Orientation Packet for New Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals Working with Individuals who are Blind or Visually Impaired

This orientation packet for vocational rehabilitation (VR) professionals will familiarize you with the blindness field and NRTC products and online courses. Along with providing an intensive list of resources, the guide presents misperceptions about blindness and appropriate blindness etiquette. While geared towards new VR professionals working with blind and visually impaired consumers, the guide's content will be useful to all people new to the field and VR professionals who occasionally work with this population.

Orientation Packet

Orientation Packet

Last Updated 4/5/2024

You Can Work with Blindness or Low Vision

This trifold brochure (available in English and Spanish) provides information for persons with newly acquired vision loss about the services available to support them in efforts to maintain or get a job. The brochure may be distributed to venues such as local medical offices. The associated guide provides more specific information, introducing persons new to vision loss to services, resources, and tools associated with employment. We invite you to use these materials to recruit potential program participants who are at risk of unemployment due to recent vision loss.

You Can Work - English

You Can Work - Spanish

You Can Work Guide

Last Updated 10/9/2020

Practice Guide: Recommendations for VR Professionals Regarding a First Meeting with an Employer

This practice guide summarizes the findings of a research study about the impact of a first meeting with an employer and provides recommendations for VR professionals based on these findings.

Practice Guide

Last Updated 1/29/2020

Combined Traumatic Brain Injury and Visual Impairment: Recommendations for Service Provision

These information sheets offer recommendations for providing services to individuals with a combined traumatic brain injury (TBI) and visual impairment based on the results of a research study. They also include a list of training options about TBI. The fact sheet was developed for vocational rehabilitation (VR) professionals who work directly with consumers, and the policy brief was developed for VR administrators.

NRTC Policy Brief

NRTC Fact Sheet

Last Updated 5/26/2022

SSDI Beneficiaries who are Blind or Visually Impaired

A recent five-year research project consisting of three separate studies focused on analyses of FY 2011 national RSA-911 data. Study results give us more specific information than ever before about what factors influence the achievement of competitive employment for consumers who are also SSDI beneficiaries at application. This evidence-based practice guide presents key research findings from these studies and recommendations for agencies and counselors derived from these findings.

SSDI Evidence Based Practice Guide - Word

SSDI Evidence Based Practice Guide - PDF

Last Updated 05/27/2022

More information:

For more information and resources, please visit our NTAC-BLV Resources page.