About The IAT-BVI

Implicit attitudes are unconscious thoughts or feelings that a person holds regarding a concept. These attitudes are influenced by automatic associations that result from cultural conditioning and experiences. Implicit bias occurs when these attitudes are negative toward a specific group, such as associating bad with disability. Implicit bias may influence behavior. For example, implicit bias toward people with disabilities may make employers less likely to hire an individual with a disability. 

Implicit association tests (IATs) are computerized assessments that measure attitudes or biases based on one’s response time for matching concepts with attributes. The NRTC developed an IAT to measure implicit attitudes about the competence of individuals who are blind or visually impaired, the IAT-BVI. This test examines how readily a person associates the concept of competence with vision level (sighted or blind). If you would like to take the IAT-BVI or request the IAT-BVI for research purposes, select one of the options below.

Take the Test

Request the IAT for research

We utilized a modified version of Project Implicit’s script for the IAT-BVI provided here. 

Bar-Anan, Y. (2020, March 3). Running Project Implicit’s IAT from Qualtrics [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://minnojs.github.io/minnojs-blog/qualtrics-iat/