The NRTC presents a new infographic series, Beyond Employment Rates, that will highlight new labor force statistics for people who are blind or have low vision (B/LV).
This series focuses on data analysis from our five-year research project Exploring Employment for People who are Blind or Have Low Vision Through Analysis of National Datasets. This project aims to investigate employment outcomes beyond basic employment rates and examine the predictors of employment for people who are B/LV using five large national datasets. We began this study by examining the American Community Survey and Survey of Income and Program Participation, upon which the Beyond Employment Rate series is based.
NRTC researchers have presented the analyses in a five-part series published in the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (JVIB) in 2022. Topics covered in the JVIB series were full-time versus part-time employment, continuity of employment, disability benefit receipt and work, earnings, and self-employment.
The infographics will follow the JVIB series in showcasing our findings. This first of five infographics displays data on full-time versus part-time employment for people who are B/LV. The study also examined the percentage of men and women with B/LV who work full-time versus part-time and the percentage who do so involuntarily (one measure of underemployment). To learn more from this infographic, view it on our research project webpage.
For more information about this research project and our JVIB series, visit our research project webpage.